Sunday Breakfast with Plumista Fairy Tales at the Thyrathen Museum! The established meeting of the month is approaching and you are all invited, young and old, for a musical-narrative performance of folk tales that is an experience for the whole family! ⭐️ An action where a storyteller and a musician, on stage, improvise and interact with the audience, in on-site dramatization and musical games! Tribute of the month: The foxes! How many stories exist about them, most of them identical to cunning and cunning! From Aesop, to the lady-Maro of the newer oral fairy tales, the poor fox has been so discredited! But, it doesn't matter!
Here we are, to restore all truth with beautiful fairy tales! Foxes and foxes, small-large, hairy or stubby, with big eyes, a smiling muzzle and a bushy tail, come! We are waiting for you!! Duration: 60' Start time: 11:00 Ages: 3 - 103 years Ticket: 10€/person Curation - narration: Evangelia Orfanoudaki
Original music - soundscape: Isidoros Papadakis
Poster - graphic design: Emmanuela Niniraki
Production - hospitality: Thyrathen Museum of Traditional Instruments