Ross Daly and Kelly Thomas are a completely unique duo. The lyre, an instrument found in many musical traditions of the Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean and of course in Crete where they have lived for many years, plays a central role in their musical world. However, the music that Ross Daly and Kelly Thomas play does not belong to any specific local or national tradition.
It includes a rich range of influences from many and various timeless tropical traditions that come together harmoniously in a new genre and sound that Ross Daly himself calls Contemporary Tropical Music. However, this genre bears little resemblance to what we usually imagine when we say contemporary music.
The sound of this music is somewhere outside of the defined time where it recurs between primordial sounds of the distant past and sounds from the future. Ross Daly and Kelly Thomas, inspired by a deep belief and perception of the transcendent and transpersonal dimension of the ancient and archetypal Eastern tropical traditions, have studied with some of the most important representatives of this music.
Subsequently, all the knowledge they have gathered from these sources is incorporated into their own compositions that reflect their perception of the sacred nature of music itself. Together with them on percussion is Zoe Papadantonaki.